Day 207

The Building Begins

Nehemiah 2:11–3:32

Nehemiah and a group of horsemen rode 1,000 miles to Jerusalem. He was there for three days. But Nehemiah told no one why God had sent him.

“I got up during the night,” Nehemiah wrote. “A few men and I went out to look at the walls of Jerusalem. The way was too rough. So I left my horse and walked. The walls were in ruins and the gates burned to ash.

“I made my way back into the city. There I said, ‘Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. Then people around will respect us.’ I told them what God had done with me. I also told them that the king had sent me. Then they said, ‘Let’s start building!’

“Soon people living in the lands around mocked us. ‘What are you doing? Rebelling against the king?’

“ ‘The God of heaven will give us success,’ I replied. ‘We, his servants, are going to start building. You cannot share in this work.’ ”

Each family in Jerusalem agreed to build part of the wall. The high priest built one of the gates. A rich man built a long section. Others did a little. Some built much, some nothing.

Questions? Why did Nehemiah say they should build the wall? Who built the wall of Jerusalem?