Luke 1:1–23
Just before Jesus Christ was born, King Herod ruled Judea for the Roman Empire. Herod had rebuilt the ancient Jewish temple. There a priest helped with the worship. His name was Zechariah; his wife was Elizabeth.
One day, Zechariah was ministering in the Holy Place. Outside the court was full of worshipers. Suddenly, he saw an angel. Zechariah was terrified.
“Fear not,” the angel said. “God has heard your prayer. Elizabeth will have a baby boy. You’ll name him John. Many will rejoice when he’s born. He’ll have Elijah’s spirit and turn many to the Lord.”
“How will I know this is true?” questioned Zechariah. “I’m an old man and my wife is old, too.”
“I’m Gabriel,” said the angel. “God sent me to give you good news. But you don’t believe me. I said that this will happen, but you won’t speak until it does.”
When Zechariah came out, the people could tell he’d seen a vision. He tried to signal to them, but they couldn’t understand. When his service in the temple was over, Zechariah went home.
Questions: What did the angel tell Zechariah? Why couldn’t Zechariah speak after he saw the angel?