Day 228

The Woman at Jacob’s Well

Part One
John 4:7–18

Jesus traveled from Judea to Samaria. About noontime, Jesus rested by Jacob’s well, and His followers went to buy food.

A woman came to the well to draw water. “Give me a drink,” Jesus said.

“You’re a Jew,” she said. “I’m a Samaritan. Jews don’t share with Samaritans.”

“You don’t know who’s asking you for a drink. If you did, you’d ask me for a drink. Then I’d give you living water.”

“You don’t have a bucket, sir. How will you get that living water?”

“Whoever drinks water from this well,” Jesus said, “will get thirsty again. But when I give you water the well is inside of you. It bubbles up to give you eternal life.”

“Sir,” the woman said, “please give me this water. Then I’ll never thirst again. I won’t have to come to this well.”

“Go get your husband and come back.”

“I don’t have a husband.”

“What you say is true,” Jesus said. “You’ve had five husbands. And the man you have now isn’t your husband.”

Questions: What kind of water does Jesus give? What does this water give you?