Day 23

Jacob Travels Home

Genesis 31:17–32:22

While he was with Laban, Jacob became rich. He had been wise and careful in his work. At last, he decided to go back to Canaan. While Laban was away, Jacob packed up his big family. He gathered his great herd of animals and began the journey.

When Laban found out, he was sad. Laban wanted Jacob to stay and work for him. So Laban and his men set out after Jacob. But in a dream, God told Laban, “Don’t harm Jacob.”

Laban caught up with Jacob in the hills of Gilead. There they made a promise to each other. They ate together by a pile of stones named “Witness.” They promised not to harm each other. Both men knew that God was watching. So Jacob set up a big rock and called it “Watchtower.”

In the morning, Laban kissed his daughters, blessed his grandchildren, and returned home.

Frightening news came. Esau was coming to meet Jacob with 400 men. Would Esau kill him? In fear, Jacob divided everyone into two groups for safety. Shepherds went ahead with many animals as gifts for Esau. Jacob stayed behind alone to pray.

Questions: Why did Laban want Jacob to stay? Why was Jacob afraid of Esau?