Part Two
Luke 4:24–32
I’ll tell you the truth. A prophet is never welcome in his own hometown.” Jesus was speaking with the people in the synagogue in Nazareth.
“In Elijah’s time, it didn’t rain for three and a half years. There were many widows in Israel. But which widow did God tell Elijah to help? A woman who was outside of Israel; not a Jew. And weren’t there many lepers in Israel in Elisha’s time? But the only leper the prophet healed was Naaman from Syria.”
When they heard this, everyone in the synagogue was enraged. They wanted miracles like in Capernaum. They got up and drove Jesus out of town. Nazareth was built on a hillside. They led him up to the top of the highest hill. They wanted to throw him off the cliff. But Jesus slipped away from them and went on his way. It wasn’t yet time for him to die.
In Capernaum by the Sea of Galilee, Jesus taught the next Sabbath day. They were amazed at his teaching. Unlike other teachers, Jesus spoke like an expert.
Questions: What example did Jesus give that shows a prophet isn’t welcome in his hometown? Why were the people angry at Jesus?