Luke 5:17–26
Pharisees and teachers came from every village in Galilee. They came all the way from Jerusalem to Capernaum. Jesus was teaching them, and God’s power was with him to heal. Just then, men came carrying a paralyzed man on a bed. They tried to bring him into the house to Jesus. But it was too crowded. So they went up on the roof and took off some roof tiles. They let the paralyzed man down into the house. There he was in front of Jesus in the middle of the crowd.
Jesus saw that these men had faith. “Friend,” he said, “your sins are forgiven you.”
The Pharisees questioned this. “He’s speaking heresy,” they whispered. “No one can forgive sins except God.”
Jesus knew their thoughts. “Why do you question this? Is it easier to say: ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or ‘Stand up and walk?’ I want you to know that I have the power to forgive sins.” Then Jesus spoke to the paralyzed man: “Stand up, take your bed, and go home.” And the man did this, praising God.
Everyone was amazed and praised God. “We’ve seen great things today,” they said.
Questions: Why did the men let the paralyzed man down through the roof? What did the Pharisees say when Jesus forgave the man’s sin?