Day 244

The Seeds of God’s Word

Luke 8:4–15

A great crowd gathered, and Jesus taught them with a story: “A farmer was planting seeds. As he spread the seeds, some fell on the path. Birds ate these seeds. Some seeds fell in with rocks. They died because there wasn’t enough water. Seeds fell into the weeds and couldn’t grow. Others fell into good soil. These seeds grew and gave the farmer a good crop.”

Later, Jesus told his disciples, “The seeds are God’s word. The ones that fell on the path mean this: Some people hear God’s word. Then the devil takes it from their heart. So they can’t believe and be saved.

“The seeds in the rocks are the people who happily believe for a little while. But in hard times, they forget God’s word.

“The seeds in the weeds mean this: Some people hear God’s word and go on their way. The word can’t grow because their heart is full of other things.

“Then there are the seeds in good soil. These show God’s word in a good heart. That person’s life is changed forever.”

Questions: What are the farmer’s seeds in this story? What happens when God’s word comes into an honest heart?