Day 247

“Who Touched Me?”

Mark 5:22–34

Again they crossed the sea in the boat. On the other shore, a big crowd gathered. A Jewish leader named Jairus came forward and fell at his feet. “My little daughter is about to die. Come and touch her so she will live.” So Jesus went with him. The crowd followed and pushed in on him.

In the crowd was a woman who’d been bleeding for twelve years. She had spent all her money on doctors. They couldn’t help her; in fact, she grew worse. She’d heard about Jesus and came up behind him. She said to herself, If I touch his clothes, I’ll be healed. She touched his cloak. Instantly, her bleeding stopped. The woman knew she was healed.

Jesus also knew something had happened. He had felt power go out from him. “Who touched me?” he asked.

“The crowd is pushing in on you,” said his disciples. “How can you ask, ‘Who touched me?’ ” But he looked all around for who had done it.

The woman came to him in fear and trembling. She told him the whole story. “Daughter,” he said, “your faith has made you well. Go in peace and be healed.”

Questions: What happened to Jesus when the woman touched him? What did Jesus say had made her well?