Matthew 17:24–8:5
In Capernaum, the time had come to collect the temple tax. The tax collectors came to Peter. “Does Jesus pay the tax?” they asked.
“Yes, he does,” Peter answered.
When Peter came home, Jesus asked him this question: “From whom do kings collect taxes? Do they take the money from their own children or from others?”
“From others,” Peter answered.
“Then the king’s children don’t pay the temple tax. However, we don’t want to trouble the tax collectors. Go to the sea and cast in a hook. Pull in the first fish you hook. When you open its mouth, you’ll find a coin. Take that and give it to them. It will pay your tax and mine.”
Then the disciples asked Jesus a question: “Which of us will be greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
Jesus called to a little child. “I’ll tell you the truth. Do you want to enter the kingdom? Then you’ll have to change and become like a little child. Anyone who is humble like this child is greatest in the kingdom. Anyone who welcomes such a child welcomes me.”
Questions: Why would Jesus not have to pay the temple tax? What kind of person enters into the kingdom of heaven?