Day 265

Lambs among Wolves

Luke 10:1–24

Jesus sent out seventy disciples, in pairs, to every town that he would soon visit. “There’s a harvest of people out there,” he told them. “Pray the Lord of the harvest for more laborers.

“I send you like lambs among wolves. Don’t carry a backpack or money or extra shoes. When you go into someone’s house, say, ‘Peace to this house.’ When people welcome you to town, eat the food they offer. Cure their sick. Tell them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near you.’ Whoever listens to you listens to me. If they turn you away, they’ve turned me away.”

The seventy apostles returned full of joy. “Lord, in your name even the evil spirits obey us!”

“Don’t rejoice over this,” he said. “Instead, rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

Nearby stood a lawyer who knew the Jewish law. This man asked the Lord, “What should I do to get eternal life?”

“What does the law say?” asked Jesus.

“Love God with your whole heart,” answered the lawyer. And love your neighbor like you love yourself.”

“That’s right. Do this and you’ll have life,” said Jesus.

Questions: What were the seventy apostles to say to people? Why should the apostles rejoice?