Day 267

Jesus Is the Resurrection

Part One
John 11:17–24

A man named Lazarus lay sick in Bethany, Mary and Martha’s village. These women sent a message to Jesus: “Lazarus is sick.” But when Jesus heard this, he waited two days. Then Jesus said to the disciples, “Let’s go back to Judea.”

“But, teacher,” they said, “people want to kill you there.”

“Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep,” he said. “I’m going to awaken him.”

“Well, Lord, if he’s only asleep he’ll be fine.” Jesus meant that Lazarus was dead. The disciples didn’t understand this.

When Jesus got to Bethany, Lazarus had been dead four days. Martha went out to meet Jesus while Mary stayed home. “Lord, if you’d been here,” she said, “Lazarus wouldn’t have died. But I know God will give you anything you ask.”

“Your brother will return from death.”

“I know, Lord,” said Martha. “He’ll come back with the resurrection on the last day.”

Questions: What did the disciples think would happen if Jesus went to Judea? When did Martha think Lazarus would return from death?