Genesis 39:1–40:22
The caravan carried Joseph south to Egypt, and a man named Potiphar bought Joseph. This man was a leader in Egypt’s army.
God was with Joseph, though he was a slave. Potiphar saw his good work and liked him. He put Joseph in charge of his whole house. Potiphar’s wife was also friendly to Joseph. But once he wouldn’t do a wicked thing for her. So she lied to her husband about Joseph. Potiphar locked Joseph in prison like a criminal.
But God was with Joseph in prison. The jailer soon began to like Joseph. He even put Joseph in charge of the whole prison.
The king’s butler and baker were there in prison. Both had dreams while they were sleeping. “What do our dreams mean?” they wondered.
“Maybe my God will tell me what they mean,” Joseph said. And God did: The butler would be freed from prison. “When you are free,” Joseph said, “Tell the king I’m here. Ask him to set me free.”
The meaning of the baker’s dream was sad: “You will be hanged for your crime,” said Joseph.
And the men’s dreams came true.
Questions: Why did Joseph go to prison? Where was God while Joseph was in prison?