Part Two
Luke 15:13–24
Jesus thought this story would help them:
“A man had two sons. He divided his property between them. The younger son took his share and went to a faraway country. He spent everything he had there in foolish living. Then famine came to the land. With no food, he worked feeding pigs. He had to eat the pigs’ food.
“At last, he started thinking sensibly. ‘My father’s servants have food. But here I am starving! I’m going home. I’ll say, ‘Father, I’ve sinned against heaven and against you. Don’t call me your son anymore. Make me one of your hired workers.’
“He set off for home. His father saw him coming. Filled with love, he ran and hugged his son. The young man said, ‘Father, I’ve sinned against you. I shouldn’t be called your son anymore.’ But his father interrupted.
“ ‘Quickly,’ the father told his servants, ‘bring my best clothes for him. Put a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet. Let’s eat and celebrate! My son was dead and now he’s alive. He was lost and now he’s found.’ They began to celebrate.”
Questions: What did the young man think his father should do when he returned? What did the father do instead?