Day 273

God’s Search for Sinners

Part Three
Luke 15:25–32

You lawkeepers should know about the father’s older son,” Jesus continued.

“Hearing music, he asked what was happening. ‘Your brother has come home safe and sound. So your father is giving a feast for him.’

“The older son was angry. So his father came out and asked him to come and celebrate.

“ ‘Listen,’ the son answered, ‘I’ve been working for you for years. I’ve worked like a slave and never disobeyed. But I’ve not even had a little party with my friends. Now this son of yours comes back. He’s wasted your property in sin. And you throw a huge feast!’

“ ‘Son,’ answered the father, ‘you’re always with me. Everything that’s mine is yours. We must celebrate and rejoice. Your brother was dead and has come to life. He was lost and has been found.’ ”

Remember that the Pharisees had grumbled because Jesus ate with sinners. He told these stories so they would understand why he did this. Jesus hoped the lawkeepers would see why God loves sinners.

Questions: Why was the older son angry at the father? What did the father say to the older son that showed he loved him too?