Matthew 22:1–14
Jesus told another story:
“A king gave a wedding feast for his son,” he began. “He sent his servants to bring the invited guests. But they wouldn’t come. So the king said, ‘Tell them this: I’ve done everything. The wedding feast is ready; come and enjoy it.’ But those he’d invited mocked the feast. They went away to their farms and businesses. Others hurt the king’s servants and killed them.
“The king was enraged. His soldiers destroyed those murderers and burned their city. Then he told his servants, ‘Go into the streets. Invite everyone to my son’s wedding feast.’ The servants invited the good and the bad people from the streets. The feast was filled with guests.
“The king came into the feast. He noticed a man who wasn’t wearing wedding clothes. ‘Friend,’ he said, ‘how did you get in without wedding clothes?’ The man could say nothing. ‘Tie him up,’ commanded the king. ‘Throw him out into the darkness. There people weep and grind their teeth with grief.’ ”
Jesus ended the story with this saying: “Many are called, but few are chosen.”
Questions: What did the invited guests do instead of going to the feast? Who did the servants invite from the streets?