Matthew 22:15–22; Mark 12:41–44
The Pharisees were in charge of the Jewish religion. But the Romans ruled the land. Some Pharisees and Romans wanted to trick Jesus. “Teacher, we know you teach God’s way. Tell us, should we pay taxes to the Roman emperor?”
“Why are you testing me?” asked Jesus. “You’re phonies. Show me a coin that you’d use to pay taxes.” They brought him a Roman coin. “Whose picture and title are on this coin?” Jesus asked.
“The emperor’s picture,” they answered.
“Right. So give the emperor what belongs to him. And give God what belongs to God.” They heard this and were amazed. All they could do was leave him alone.
Later, Jesus taught his disciples more about giving to God. They were sitting near a room called the treasury. Here people brought gifts of money for the temple. Many rich people brought lots of money. A poor widow came with two pennies. Jesus said, “I’ll tell you the truth. This widow has given more than all the others put together. They have plenty to give. She has nothing and has given everything she has.”
Questions: What did Jesus say we should give to God? Why was the widow’s gift more than everyone else’s?