Matthew 25:31–46
When I come in glory, I’ll sit on a glorious throne. All the nations on earth will gather there. I’ll divide the people into two groups. This is like a shepherd who separates the sheep from the goats. I’ll say to those on the right, ‘Come here. You’re blessed by my Father. Here’s the kingdom he has waiting for you. I was hungry, and you gave me food. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. When I was a stranger, you welcomed me. I was naked, and you gave me clothes. You visited me in prison.’
“Those people will ask, ‘When did we do these things?’
“ ‘Here’s the truth: You did this to the smallest member of my family. So you did it to me.’
“Then I’ll speak to those on my left side. ‘Get away from me. Go to the eternal fire that’s ready for the devil and his angels. You never did any of these things for me. You did nothing for the littlest member of my family. So you never did it to me.’ ”
Then Jesus told his disciples: “The Passover is in two days. Then I’ll be arrested and crucified.”
Questions: Jesus said the people did good things for him. Who did they really help? What did Jesus give these people?