Day 296

“This Man Is Innocent”

Luke 23:1–7; John 18:28–38

The priests and leaders went to Pilate’s palace. Pontius Pilate was the Roman ruler in Jerusalem. Jesus stood in front of Pilate as they accused him: “This man says that he, not your emperor, is our king.”

“Are you the Jews’ king?” Pilate asked Jesus.

“You say I’m a king. But I came for one reason: To bring the truth.”

“What is truth?” scoffed Pilate. Then he told the Jews, “This man is innocent.”

But they insisted. “He upsets people everywhere, from Galilee to Jerusalem.”

“Herod is in charge in Galilee,” said Pilate. “Take him to Herod.”

Questions: What did the priests say Jesus did wrong? What did Pilate tell them about Jesus?