Day 305

Jesus Appears in Jerusalem

Part Two
Luke 24:38–49; John 20:24–28

Returning from death, Jesus stood with his disciples in Jerusalem. “Why is there doubt and fear in your hearts? Touch me and see.” The disciples were so happy but couldn’t believe their eyes. “Have you anything to eat?” asked Jesus. They watched while Jesus ate.

As he opened their spiritual understanding, they heard what Moses and the prophets had written about him. “Christ will suffer and rise from the dead, and the whole world will know it,” said Jesus. “You’ve seen and understood all this.

“Soon I’ll send you the Holy Spirit as my Father promised. Stay here in the city until power from above covers you like clothing.”

The disciple named Thomas didn’t see these things. He didn’t believe it had happened. “I’ll have to touch his wounds before I believe,” he said. A week later, the doors were shut. Suddenly, Jesus stood among them.

“Reach out, Thomas,” he said. “Touch my hands. Don’t doubt; believe.”

“My Lord and my God,” answered Thomas as he touched Jesus.

Questions: What did Jesus do to prove that he wasn’t a ghost? What did Thomas say when he touched Jesus?