Part One
Genesis 41:46–42:7
Joseph was thirty years old when he began to serve Pharaoh. In the years when the crops were good, Joseph saved food. There was so much food saved, it couldn’t be counted. During those years Joseph married and had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.
Then the good years in Egypt ended. The seven years with no food began and the Egyptians were hungry. They went to Pharaoh for food. He said, “Go to Joseph and do what he says.” Joseph opened all the storehouses and sold food to the Egyptians. In fact, the whole world came to Joseph for food.
In Canaan, Jacob heard of the food in Egypt. He told his sons, “Go down and buy food for us. Then we won’t starve.” So all the brothers but Benjamin went down to Egypt.
Joseph sold food to everyone who came to Egypt to buy. Jacob’s sons went to see Joseph like everyone else. They came into the room and bowed down before him. When he saw them, Joseph knew they were his brothers. Twenty-three years before they had sold him into slavery. The brothers did not know who Joseph was.
Questions: Who had saved the food for Egypt? Did Joseph’s dream come true? How?