Acts 5:27–42
The apostles stood in the council. “We gave you strict orders!” said the high priest. “Don’t teach in this name again. Yet you’ve filled Jerusalem with your teaching.”
Then Peter spoke for all the apostles: “We must obey God instead of any human power. You hanged Jesus on a cross and there he died. But God brought him back from death. Now Jesus is by God’s side as the Leader and Savior. He wants to give Israel forgiveness of sins. We simply speak of what we’ve seen.”
The council was enraged and wanted to kill the apostles. But a wise teacher named Gamaliel spoke up. “Fellow Israelites, think carefully about this matter. I say, let them alone. If their work is merely human, it will fail. But if it comes from God, you can’t stop them. In fact, you may be found fighting against God.” The council was won over by Gamaliel’s reasoning.
The apostles were whipped and ordered not to speak in Jesus’ name. They were released rejoicing: “We are worthy to suffer for his name!” And they didn’t stop declaring and teaching, “Jesus is the Christ.”
Questions: Where did Peter say Jesus is today? What did the wise teacher Gamaliel say to do about the disciples?