Day 32

Jacob’s Sons Visit Joseph

Part Two
Genesis 42:6–24

Now, as in Joseph’s boyhood dreams, his brothers bowed before him. “Who are you?” Joseph asked. “Where do you come from?”

“We’ve come from Canaan to buy food,” they answered.

“No, you didn’t,” Joseph said. “You’re spies. You want to see how weak Egypt has become.”

“No, sir. We are twelve brothers,” they said. The youngest is at home. One has died.”

“You must prove you aren’t spies,” Joseph answered. “Someone must go back and bring your youngest brother here.” Then the rest were locked up.

Three days later, Joseph spoke: “One of you must remain. The others may leave with your family’s food. But bring your youngest brother back to me. Then I’ll know you’re not spies.” The youngest brother, Benjamin, was Rachel’s son, like Joseph.

Joseph chose Simeon to stay in Egypt. Reuben told the others, “This has happened because of what you did to Joseph.” They didn’t know Joseph overheard them. He went away and wept. He knew his brothers were sorry for what they had done.

Questions: Why did Joseph want them to bring Benjamin to him? Why did Joseph weep?