Day 326

Peter and the Prayer Meeting

Acts 12:12–23

Peter realized he was saved from death. At once, he went to Mary’s house, where the church was praying. Mary was Mark’s mother.

Rhoda, Mary’s maid, heard a knock on the gate. When she answered, Rhoda recognized Peter’s voice. She was overjoyed. Instead of opening the gate, she ran to tell the others. “You’re out of your mind,” they said. But Rhoda insisted. They then said, “It’s Peter’s angel.”

Meanwhile, Peter continued knocking. They opened the gate and were amazed. “Quiet, quiet,” Peter whispered. He described what had happened to him. “Tell this to the Lord’s brother, James, and to the believers,” he said. Peter then went to another place.

In those days, Herod feuded with the people of Tyre. They came to him to make peace. They had no choice since King Herod controlled their food. Herod put on his royal robes and sat on his throne. He gave a vain speech to the people. “It’s the voice of a god,” they shouted. “Herod is more than a man!”

Instantly, an angel of God struck Herod down. He hadn’t given God the glory. Herod, eaten up inside by worms, died.

Questions: Who did the church think Peter was? Why did the angel strike Herod down?