Day 328

The Apostles Are Sent Out

Acts 13:1–12

Now in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers. They prayed together worshiping God. The Holy Spirit said to them, “Set aside Barnabas and Saul. I’ve called them for my work.” The leaders of the church prayed and laid their hands on them. The Holy Spirit sent Barnabas and Saul out. They took Mark and set off. The three apostles sailed to the island of Cyprus. There they spoke God’s word in the Jewish synagogues.

They traveled through the whole island. At Paphos lived a magician, a false prophet named Bar-Jesus. The ruler of Cyprus, Sergius Paulus, wanted to hear God’s word. But the magician tried to turn him away from the faith. Saul, now called Paul, watched him carefully. Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit. “You son of the devil,” he said, “you enemy of all that’s right, stop making the Lord’s straight paths crooked. God’s hand is against you. You’ll not be able to see for a while.”

Shortly, the magician could only see darkness. He had to have someone lead him by the hand. Sergius Paulus saw this and believed. He was delighted at the teaching about the Lord.

Questions: Who sent Barnabas and Saul out of Antioch? What is Saul’s new name?