Day 33

Jacob’s Food Runs Out

Genesis 42:25–43:15

Reuben and his brothers bought bags filled with food. But Joseph wanted his brothers to have the food for free. Their money was put back in their food bags. Sadly, they left Simeon in Egypt and went home.

On the way home, they found the money. “Look what God has done to us!” they cried. But they couldn’t go back to Egypt.

At home, they told Jacob what had happened. “First Joseph died and now Simeon is gone,” he cried. “And you want to take Benjamin from me. You’ve made my hair gray. If I lose Benjamin, I’ll die.”

With Jacob’s large family, the food was soon gone, and the brothers needed to get some more.

“We can’t go unless Benjamin comes along,” they said.

“If he must go, then he must,” replied Jacob. “But take special gifts and twice as much money. It was a mistake that the money was in your bags. May God Almighty have mercy on you in Egypt.”

So Jacob’s sons took Benjamin and returned to Egypt. Soon they were bowing down to Joseph again.

Questions: Why was the money in the food bags? Why did Jacob’s sons go back to Egypt?