Day 330

“The Gods Have Come to Us!”

Acts 14:1–26

Paul and Barnabas were almost stoned like Stephen in Antioch. But they escaped to Lystra in Lycaonia.

Looking at a crippled man, Paul exclaimed, “Stand up on your feet!” And the man jumped up and began to walk. The crowds saw this.

“The gods have come down to us as men!” they exclaimed. “This one,” they shouted, pointing at Barnabas, “is Zeus. The other man does all the talking. That means he’s Hermes!” This was Paul. The priest of the temple of Zeus brought oxen for sacrifices.

Paul and Barnabas rushed into the crowd. “Friends!” they shouted. “Why are you doing this? We’re human just like you. We’ve brought good news: Turn from these worthless things! The living God made heaven and earth and everything in them. He fills your bellies with food and your hearts with joy!” They were barely able to stop the sacrifices.

Then people came from Antioch and excited the crowd against Paul. He was stoned and dragged alive out of Lystra. Soon, the apostles returned to the church at Antioch in Syria.

Questions: What did the crowds think when Paul healed the man in Lystra? What did the apostles tell the crowds about the living God?