Day 333

Paul and the Fortune-Teller

Acts 16:16–28

Luke recorded the history of Paul’s travels. He wrote the following story:

“In Philippi we met a slave girl who was controlled by a spirit. This spirit made her a fortune-teller. The girl’s owners made money from her fortune-telling. She followed Paul around crying, ‘These men serve the Most High God.’ She did this for many days. Finally, Paul was annoyed. He spoke to the spirit. ‘I order you in the name of Jesus Christ. Come out of her.’ And it did.

“The slave girl’s owners couldn’t make money any longer from her fortune-telling. Angry, they forced Paul and Silas to the rulers at the marketplace. ‘These men are disturbing our city,’ they said. ‘They want us to break the Roman law.’ Paul and Silas were beaten and locked in the deepest prison cell.

“At midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns. Other prisoners listened to them. Suddenly, a violent earthquake shook the prison. The doors opened, and the prisoners’ chains fell off. The jailer awoke, saw the prison open, and grabbed his sword. He was about to kill himself. He thought his prisoners had escaped. But Paul shouted, ‘Don’t hurt yourself! We’re all here.’ ”

Questions: Why were the slave girl’s owners angry at Paul? What did Paul and Silas do in prison?