Day 347

A Speech in the Streets

Acts 22:2–22

The angry crowd heard their own language and stopped to listen. “I’m a Jew, born in Tarsus,” Paul said. “But here in Jerusalem, I learned our ancestors’ law. When the time came, I fought against the Christians. The high priest and elders can tell you this.

“They sent me to Damascus to arrest Christians there. On the way, about noon, a great light from heaven flashed. I fell to the ground. A voice said, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you fighting me?’

“ ‘Who are you, Lord?’ I asked.

“ ‘I’m Jesus of Nazareth.’

“In the city, a good Jewish man named Ananias met me. ‘God has chosen you,’ he said. ‘You’ll tell the world of what you’ve seen and heard. Now get up and be baptized, calling on his name.’

“I came back here and was praying in the temple. The Lord appeared. ‘Get out of this city,’ he said. ‘The people won’t listen to you.’

“ ‘But Lord, I agreed when they killed Stephen,’ I reasoned.

“ ‘Go; I am sending you far away to the Gentiles.’ ”

When they heard the word “Gentiles,” the crowd erupted with violent anger.

Questions: What story did Paul tell the crowd? Why did the crowd get angry again?