Day 360

Paul Arrives in Rome

Acts 28:1–23

Paul’s ship wrecked on a little island named Malta. The kind natives built a fire for the cold, wet survivors. Paul brought some brushwood to the fire. Suddenly, a snake in the brushwood bit Paul. But he shook it off into the fire. They expected Paul to drop dead. Nothing happened. The superstitious natives thought this meant Paul was a god.

The father of a Maltese nobleman named Publius lay sick. Paul put his hands on the man and prayed. He was cured. All the people on the island then brought their sick to Paul. They also were cured.

Three months later, they set sail on a ship called the Twin Brothers. Sailing in front of a south wind, the apostle finally landed in Italy. Believers from Rome walked fifty miles down the Italian coast to greet Paul. He gratefully thanked God for them.

In Rome, Paul lived in his own house with a guard. The Jewish leaders visited Paul. “We’ve heard bad things about the Christians,” they said. “But we’d like to know what you have to say.” They set a day to meet with him.

Questions: What did Paul do when he met the believers from Rome? What did the Jewish leaders in Rome want from Paul?