Day 362

The Death of the Apostle Paul

Acts 28:30; 2 Timothy 4:6–8

Paul’s accusers never came from Jerusalem to blame him in Rome, although he waited two years. He may have been in Spain when the city of Rome burned. It is sure that he continued traveling. Paul always cared lovingly for all the churches.

Paul visited Crete and left Titus there to help the believers. Then he went on to Miletus, where his friend, Trophimus, got sick. Paul also visited Timothy in Ephesus. On the way, he left his cloak and books in Troas. But soon he was arrested again.

Christians had been blamed for burning Rome. This may be why Paul was arrested the second time. God decided he would not be released. Instead, the apostle was convicted and beheaded by the Romans.

Before he died, Paul wrote to Timothy from prison: “It’s now time for me to leave this life. I’ve fought a good fight. I’ve finished the race. I’ve kept the faith. The Lord has a crown waiting for me. He’ll give it to me on the day he returns. Everyone who loves him and his return will get such a crown.”

Questions: How did Paul feel about all the churches? What does the Lord have waiting for people who love him?