Exodus 3:7–4:31
I’ve seen Israel’s suffering in Egypt.” God spoke from the burning bush. “I’ve come to set them free from Egypt. I’ll bring them up to Canaan. It’s a place that’s flowing with milk and honey. Come on, Moses, I’m sending you to Pharoah. Bring my people out of Egypt.”
Moses said, “I’m nobody. How can I go to Pharoah and rescue Israel?”
“I’ll be with you,” God answered. “Bring them out; worship me on this mountain.”
“But,” Moses said, “they’ll ask, ‘What is God’s name?’ What do I tell them?”
“Say, ‘I AM sent me to you.’ Tell Israel, ‘The God of your ancestors has sent me to you—the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob.’ ”
“What if they still don’t believe me?” Moses asked.
God told him, “Throw down your shepherd’s staff.” Moses did, and his staff became a snake. “Do this,” God said, “and other signs I’ll show you. I’m sending your brother Aaron to help you.”
So Moses and Aaron went to Goshen and talked with Israel’s leaders. They believed. God had heard their cries. Together they bowed down and worshiped.
Questions: What did God want Moses to do? Who was Moses’ helper?