Day 52

Moses, God, and the Mountain

Exodus 19:1–24:18

The nation of Israel traveled for three months. They finally arrived at Mount Sinai. This great mountain rises straight up from the desert. It is near the place where Moses saw the burning bush. Here, in front of the mountain, Israel camped.

God spoke to Moses from the mountain. “Don’t let the people touch this mountain. It is a holy place. Soon, they will all see me come to the mountain top.”

Three days later all Israel came to the mountain to meet God. Sinai was wrapped in smoke. God had come down on it in fire. The whole mountain shook wildly and the people were terrified. A trumpet began to blast louder and louder. Moses spoke to God and God answered in thunder. The people thought they would die. “Don’t let God speak to us anymore,” they begged.

Moses entered the cloud and thick darkness on the mountain. God called him to the mountain top. He and God spoke together there for forty days. God told him about all the laws Israel should obey. God gave Moses two tablets made of stone. On these tablets God himself had written the Ten Commandments.

Questions: How long was Moses on Mount Sinai? What did God give him there?