Day 79

Gideon Meets God

Judges 6:1–32

The people of Israel turned to evil again. So the Lord made them suffer for leaving him. For seven years, the Midianites raided the land. They took the harvest away so Israel had no food. The people ran from their towns and farms to hide in caves. They cried out to God.

One day a man named Gideon was threshing wheat in a hidden place. Looking up, he saw an angel sitting by an oak tree. “You’re a mighty warrior, Gideon,” the angel said. “The Lord is with you. Go and save Israel from Midian.”

“But sir, my family is the weakest in my tribe. I am the youngest of my family. How can I save Israel?”

“I will be with you. I will help you drive out the Midianites.”

Then Gideon knew that he was talking with God. He brought food for an offering and set it on a rock. The Lord touched it with his staff. Fire leaped up from the rock and consumed the offering. God vanished.

That night, with ten men, Gideon destroyed the image of Baal. He then built an altar and burned an offering to the Lord.

Questions: Why did Israel suffer? Who did Gideon see sitting by an oak tree?