1 Samuel 4:1–22
Old and blind, Eli was still high priest and judge. In those days the Philistines made war with Israel. Over 4,000 men were killed in Israel’s defeat.
“Why did the Lord let the Philistines win?” Israel’s chiefs didn’t know about Eli’s curse. “Let’s bring God’s ark of the covenant from Shiloh,” they decided. “With it, God will be among us and will save us.”
Eli’s two sons were priests in Shiloh. Their job was to care for the ark of the covenant. But instead, they let the warriors take it into battle.
Israel’s army shouted for joy. God’s ark had come into their camp. But when the battle came, 30,000 Israeli soldiers were killed. The ark was captured by the Philistines. Eli’s sons were killed in the fight.
Sitting by the gate in Shiloh, Eli waited. He was worried sick about the ark. A man raced from the battle with the news: “Your sons are dead. The ark is captured.” Hearing this, Eli fell over backward. His neck was broken and he died. Because the ark was captured, God’s glory left Israel.
Questions: Why was the ark taken into battle? What happened to Eli when he heard the news from the battle?