My dear Oscar Wilde, thank you for Dorian Gray and for your genius. I’d like to think that if I had the privilege of knowing you, we’d have gotten along famously. Regardless, I am eternally your fan.
Thank you, Biz Urban, for going through this book line by line with me; your presence in my life has been so helpful in so many ways.
Thank you to Lexie for your time, care, and insight. This book goes out in particular to you.
Thank you, Christina, for your valuable thoughts and many windows onto communication.
Thanks to amazing author and friend Sarah Maclean for spot-on advice and support.
To my dear writer gals—Hanna L., Sammi W., Lizzie W., and Akasha H., don’t you ever stop writing or dreaming, girls. You’re talented, and don’t you ever forget it.
Marijo, it’s your turn.
Thanks to my angels in the book blogging community who have been so thrilled about the prospect of this series. You’re more valuable to me than you can ever know.
Thanks as always to my hero of an agent, Nicholas Roman Lewis; and to my fabulous editor, Leah Hultenschmidt, for the opportunity of this new adventure and the joy that is working with you; and thank you, Dominique and Sourcebooks, for being as excited as I am.