Chapter 7 Experiments and Game Theory's Value to Political Science
John H. Aldrich and Arthur Lupia
In recent decades, formal models have become common means of drawing important inferences in political science. Best practice formal
models feature explicitly stated premises, explicitly stated conclusions, and proofs that are used to support claims about
focal relationships between these premises and conclusions. When best practices are followed, transparency, replicability,
and logical coherence are the hallmarks of the formal theoretic enterprise.
Formal models have affected a broad range of scholarly debates in political science – from individual-level inquiries about why
people vote as they do, to large-scale studies of civil wars and international negotiations. The method's contributions come
when answers to normative and substantive questions require precise understandings about the conditions under which a given
political outcome is, or is not, consistent with a set of clearly stated assumptions about relevant perceptions, motives,
feelings, and contexts. Indeed, many formal modelers use mathematics to sort intricate and detailed statements about political
cause and effect by the extent to which they can be reconciled logically with basic premises about the people and places involved.
Formal models in political science have been both influential and controversial. Although no one contends that explicitly stated
assumptions or attention to logical consistency are anything other than good components of scientific practice, controversy
often comes from the content of formal models themselves. Many formal models contain descriptions of political perceptions,
opinions, and behaviors that are unrealistic. Some scholars, therefore, conclude that formal models, generally considered,
are of little value to political science. Yet, if we can offer a set of premises that constitutes a suitable analogy for what
key political actors want, know, and believe, then we can use formal models to clarify conditions under which these actors
will, and will not, take particular actions.
In this chapter, we address two questions that are particularly relevant to debates about formal models’ substantive relevance.
We present each question in turn and, in so doing, explain how experiments affect the value of formal modeling to political
One question is, “Will people who are in the situations you describe in your model act as you predict?” This question is about
internal validity of a model. Experiments permit the creation of a specialized setting in which a model's premises can be
emulated, with the test being whether the experiment's subjects behave as the model predicts (akin to physicists studying
the action of falling objects in a laboratory-created vacuum and thus as free from air resistance as possible).
Lupia and McCubbins (
1998, chapter 6), for example, devote an entire chapter of their book to pinpointing the correspondence between the experimental
settings and the models that the experiments were designed to evaluate. Furthermore, if a modeler wants to claim that a particular
factor is the unique cause of an important behavior, then he or she can design treatments that vary the presence of the presumably
unique causal factor. If the focal behavior is observed only when the presumed factor is present, then he or she will have
greater evidence for his or her claim. Generally speaking, this way of thinking about the role of experiments in formal theoretic
political science is akin to Roth's
(1995) description of experiments as a means of “speaking to theorists” (22).
A second question is, “Are your theoretical predictions representative of how people will act in more realistic circumstances?”
This question speaks to the ecological validity of models and is akin to Roth's (1995) description of experiments as “whispering
in the ears of princes” (22). Experimental designs that address these questions should incorporate elements that audiences
would see as essential to proffering a substantive explanation, but that are not necessarily included in the model. Cross-national experiments are an example of designs that address such concerns. As Wilson and Eckel's chapter in this volume
explains, for models whose predictions are not culture specific, it is important to evaluate whether experimental subjects
in different regions or countries will really play given games in identical ways. When experiments reveal cross-cultural differences,
theorists who desire broadly applicable conclusions can use these findings to better integrate cultural factors into their
Indeed, a key similarity between what formal modelers and experimentalists do is that neither simply observes the environments
they want to explain. Instead, both seek to create settings that emulate the environments. When used in tandem, formal models
can help experimentalists determine which settings are most critical to a particular causal hypothesis and experimenters can
inform formal modelers by evaluating their theoretical predictions’ performance in relevant environs.
Given the emphasis on logical precision in formal modeling, it is also worth noting that many model-related experiments follow
practices in experimental economics, which includes paying subjects for their participation as a means of aligning their incentives
with those of analogous actors in the formal models. As
Palfrey (
2007a) explains,
[R]esearchers who were trained primarily as [formal] theorists – but interested in learning whether the theories were reliable
– turned to laboratory experiments to test their theories, because they felt that adequate field data were unavailable. These
experiments had three key features. First, they required the construction of isolated (laboratory) environments that operated
under specific, tightly controlled, well-defined institutional rules. Second, incentives were created for the participants
in these environments in a way that matched incentives that existed for the imaginary agents in theoretical models. Third,
the theoretical models to be studied had precise context-free implications about behavior in any such environment so defined,
and these predictions were quantifiable and therefore directly testable in the laboratory. (915)
For formal modelers, these attributes of experimentation are particularly important because a comparative advantage of formal
theoretic approaches is precision in causal language.
In the rest of this chapter, we highlight ways in which experiments have affected the value of formal modeling in political
Because the range of such activities is so broad, we focus our attention on a type of formal modeling called “game theory.”
Game theory is a way of representing interpersonal interactions. Premises pertain to specific attributes of individual actors
and the contexts in which people interact. Conclusions describe the aggregate consequences of what these actors do, or the
properties of the individuals themselves, that result from interactions among the actors.
The next two substantive sections of this chapter pertain to the two main types of game theory, respectively. Section 1 focuses
on experiments in the domain of cooperative game theory. Political scientists have used cooperative game theory to address
key theoretical and normative debates about preference aggregation and properties of common decision rules. As the first game-theoretic
experiments in political science tested results from cooperative game theory, many of the standard protocols of experimental game theory were developed in this context. Section
2 focuses on experiments in the domain of noncooperative game theory. Most game-theoretic treatments of political science topics today use some form of noncooperative
game theory. This type of theory can clarify how actors pursue their goals when they and those around them have the ability
to perceive and adapt to important attributes of their environment. Influential models of this kind have clarified how institutions affect individual choices and collective outcomes, and how strategic uses of communication affect a range of
important political outcomes.
In the conclusion, we speak briefly about how experiments may affect future relationships between formal modeling and political
science. We argue that, although the psychological realism of many current models can be questioned, research agendas that
integrate experimental and formal modeling pursuits provide a portal for more effective interdisciplinary work and can improve
the applicability and relevance of formal models to a wide range of important substantive questions in political science.
1. Cooperative Game Theory and Experiments
Game theory is often divided into cooperative and noncooperative game theory, and it is true that most results can be fit
into one or the other division. However, both formal definitions are at the extreme points on a continuum, and thus virtually
the entire continuum fits in neither category very precisely.
The basic distinction is that in cooperative game theory, coalitions may be assumed to form, whereas in noncooperative game
theory, any coalitions must be deduced from the model itself rather than assumed a priori. In the
early days of game theory, which we can mark from the publication of
Von Neumann and Morgenstern (
1944) to approximately the late 1970s, when the
Nash-Harsanyi-Selten revolution in noncooperative game theory carried the day (and won them a Nobel prize in 1994), this now-critical
distinction was much less important. Theoretical results, for example, were not often identified as one or the other, and
(including Nash [1997]) moved back and forth across this division easily.
This early blurring of the distinction between the two is relevant here because experimental game theory began very early
in the history of game theory, and experiments would at times include and intermingle results from cooperative and noncooperative
game designs. This is perhaps most evident in the truly vast experimental literature on
prisoner's dilemma (PD) games. The PD played an important role in game theory from the beginning because it was immediately
evident that the strong prediction of rational players both (or all) defecting with or without communication being possible
was simply empirically false. Whether presented as a teaching device in an introductory undergraduate course or tested in
the most sophisticated experimental setting, people simply do not follow the predictions of game theory (particularly noncooperative
game theory) in this regard. Therefore, game theorists naturally turned to experimentation to study play by actual players
to seek theoretical insight (see, e.g.,
Rapoport and Chammah
[1965] for a review of many early PD game experiments).
This case is thus very similar to the experimental work on the “centipede game,” which is discussed in Section 2, in that
both endeavors led scholars to question key assumptions and develop more effective modeling approaches.
Coalition Formation
As noted, game theorists conducted experiments from the earliest days of game theory
(see, e.g., Kalish et al. [1954], on which John Nash was a coauthor). A common application was to the question of coalitions.
Riker (
1962) argued for the centrality of coalitions for understanding politics. Theoretically, cooperative game theory was unusually
fecund, with a diverse set of
n-person games and many different solution concepts whose purposes were to characterize the set of coalitions that might form.
This set of solution concepts has three notable attributes. First, one concept, called the core, had the normatively attractive property that outcomes within it did not stray too far
from the preferences of any single player. In other words, the core was a set of outcomes that were preferred by majorities of voters
and not easily overturned by attempts to manipulate voting agendas. Unfortunately, such core outcomes have the annoying property
of not existing for a very large class of political contexts. As Miller's chapter in this volume details, the general nonexistence
of the core raises thorny normative questions about the meaning and legitimacy of majority decision making. If there is no
structure between the preferences of individuals and the choices that majority coalitions make, then it becomes difficult
to argue that preference-outcome links (e.g., the will of the majority) legitimate majority decision making.
To address these and other normative concerns, scholars sought other solution concepts that not only described coalitional
choices in cases where the core did not exist, but also retained some of the core's attractive properties. Second, theorists often developed these alternate concepts by adding assumptions that did not flow from the basic concepts
of game theory as it was known at the time. It is fair to say, from a game-theoretic perspective, that many of the new assumptions
needed to characterize coalition behavior were simply arbitrary. Third, many of these new ways of characterizing coalition
behaviors offered vague (as in many outcomes predicted) or unhelpful (as in nonexistent) conclusions. Moreover, the diverse
set of solution concepts often had overlapping predictions, making it difficult to distinguish between them in observational data.
So, although the multiplicity of solution concepts was part of an effort to clarify important attributes of coalition behavior,
an aggregate consequence of such efforts was more confusion. Given his interest in the topic, and his substantive claim of
the centrality of coalitions to politics, it is not surprising that the first published attempt to simulate a game-theoretic
context in a laboratory setting was by William Riker (
Riker and Zavoina
1970). These simulations were important for several reasons. First, they established what became a standard protocol for conducting
game-theoretic experiments. Preferences were typically induced by money. Communications between players were either controlled
as carefully as possible by the experimenter or else were carefully and, as far as technology permitted, fully recorded. Assumptions
were built into the research design to mimic the assumptions of the solution concept being examined. Behaviors were closely
observed, with the observational emphasis being on whether the coalitions chosen were consistent with the concept or concepts
being tested. Lessons learned were also reported in the text. For example, Riker discovered that students learned that they
could, in effect, deceive the experimenter by agreeing outside (and in advance) of the simulation to exchange their university's
food cards as a way of reaching binding agreements. This outcome taught the lesson that not only is the repeated use of the
same subjects potentially problematic, but also that subjects – and therefore, at least potentially, people in real situations
– will devise strategies to make binding commitments even when the situation precludes them formally.
The proliferation of solution concepts, such as those we describe, motivated many interesting and important extensions to
the setting. With so many overlapping predictions, observational data were often of little help in selecting among competing
For example, where Riker (
1962) developed a theory of
minimal winning coalitions, virtually every other cooperative solution concept that focused on coalition formation was also
consistent with the observation of minimal winning coalitions. This overlap made it difficult to distinguish the power of
various solution concepts. Riker's research designs varied the construction of subject preferences – preferences that one
could induce with money – to distinguish competing causal mechanisms.
These distinctions, in turn, clarified which solution concepts were and were not viable in important cases. By this careful
construction, Riker could distinguish through lab design what was difficult to distinguish in real-world settings.
McKelvey and Ordeshook's research also captured theorists’ attention; they developed one of the last cooperative game-theoretic
solution concepts, called the
“competitive solution”
(McKelvey and Ordeshook
1978, 1979, 1980, 1983;
McKelvey, Ordeshook, and Winer
1978; Ordeshook
2007). They were very interested in evaluating their concept experimentally vis-à-vis other solution concepts. Their 1979 paper
reports on a series of experiments that was able to establish predictive differences among nine solution concepts (some of
which had noncooperative game-theoretic elements). In particular, they used the data to proffer statistical estimates of likelihoods
that revealed support for two of the concepts (theirs and the minimax set of
Ferejohn, Fiorina, and Packel [1980]), while effectively rejecting the other seven.
McKelvey and Ordeshook (
1979) ended their paper with a conclusion that would turn out to be prescient. They write, “Finally, we cannot reject the hypothesis
that [the competitive solution] succeeds here for the same reason that [other solutions] receive support in earlier experiments
entailing transferable utility – namely that [the competitive solution's] predictions correspond fortuitously to some more
general solution notion” (165). To see why this statement is prescient, it is important to note that the experimental protocol
was developed to allow researchers to evaluate various solution concepts on the basis of coalition-level outcomes. The solution
concepts they evaluated, however, derived their conclusions about coalition-level outcomes from specific assumptions regarding
how players would actually bargain. McKelvey and Ordeshook soon began to use their experimental protocol to evaluate the status
of these assumptions (i.e., the experiments allowed them to observe how subjects actually bargained with one another). In
another of their papers (McKelvey and Ordeshook
1983), they reported on experiments that once again produced the results predicted by their competitive solution. However, they
also observed players bargaining in ways that appeared to violate the assumptions of the competitive solution. Such observations
ultimately led them to abandon the competitive solution research agenda for many years (Ordeshook
2007) and to devote their attention to other explanations of collective behavior (see Section 2 of this chapter, as well as Morton
and Williams’ chapter in this volume, for descriptions of that work).
This idea of using the lab setting as a way of sorting among solution concepts reached an apogee in Fiorina and Plott (
1978), in which they develop sixteen different sets of theoretical predictions. Some are from cooperative game theory and others
from noncooperative game theory. Some focus on voting, whereas others focus on agenda control. Some are not even based in
rational actor theories. The beauty of their use of the lab setting (and their own creativity) is that they are able to design
experiments that allow for competing tests between many of the pairs of theories, and sometimes tests that uniquely discriminate
one account from virtually all others. In addition to differentiating outcomes in this way, they examined the effect of varying
treatments – in particular,
whether the payoffs were relatively high or low to the players and whether there was open exchange
of communication or no communication at all among the players.
They found that when there is a core (a majority-preferred outcome that is not easily undone by agenda manipulation), it is
almost always chosen. High payoffs yielded outcomes even closer to those predicted points than lower payoffs, and, to a much
lesser extent, communication facilitated that outcome.
Comparing these outcomes to those where no core exists allows the authors to conclude more sharply that it is indeed the
existence of a core that drives the results. In contrast, the absence of a core also yielded an apparent structure to the
set of coalition-level outcomes rather than an apparently unpredictable set of results, as might have been expected by some
readings of
McKelvey's (1976) and
Schofield's (1978) theoretical results about the unlimited range of possible outcomes of majority decision making in the absence
of a core. Rather (as, indeed, McKelvey argued in the original 1976 article), there seems to be structure to what coalitions
do, even in the absence of a core. Hence, the correspondence between individual intentions and coalition-level outcomes in
the absence of a core is not totally chaotic or unstable, and this correspondence provides a basis for making normatively
appealing claims about the legitimacy of majority rule
(see Frohlich and Oppenheimer [1992] for a broader development of links among models, experiments, and important normative
considerations). However, these structures, although observed by Fiorina and Plott (
1978), were not the result of any theory then established. Hence, one of the lasting contributions of the work by Fiorina and
Plott, as is true of the other work described in this section, is that it set the stage for other experiments on political
decision making, such as those discussed in Section 2 and by Morton and Williams’ chapter in this
2. Noncooperative Game Theory and Experiments
Noncooperative game theory is a method of formal modeling that allows researchers to draw logically transparent conclusions
about how individuals adapt and react to the anticipated strategic moves of others. It uses the Nash equilibrium concept, or well-known refinements of the concept, as a criterion for identifying behavioral predictions.
In recent decades, noncooperative games using the extensive form have been formal modelers’ primary instrument in attempting
to make contributions to political science. The extensive form outlines, in order, the decisions to be reached, actor by actor,
from the opening move to the final outcome. It thus offers a rich perspective for analyzing strategic decision making, as
well as the roles of beliefs and communication in decision making. These games have informed our discipline's attempts to
clarify the relationship among political institutions, individual choices, and collective outcomes. They have also been the means by which scholars have examined positive
and normative implications of the strategic use of information (see Austen-Smith and Lupia [2007] for a recent review). As the field evolves, these games increasingly serve as a portal
through which implications of substantive premises from fields such as economics and psychology can become better understood
in political contexts.
Key moments in the evolution of such understandings have been experimental evaluations of these games. In this section, we
review three examples of where the combination of noncooperative game-theoretic models and experiments has produced new insights
about important social scientific matters. The examples are voter competence, jury decision making, and the centipede game.
Voter Competence
A conventional wisdom about mass politics is that candidates and their handlers seek to manipulate a gullible public and that
the public makes inferior decisions as a result
(see, e.g., Converse
1964). In recent decades, scholars have used formal models and experiments in tandem to examine when seemingly uninformed voters
do – and do not – make inferior decisions. In this section, we review two examples of such work. In each
case, scholars use formal models to understand whether claims about the manipulability of voters are, and are not, consistent
with clearly stated assumptions about voters’ and candidates’ incentives and knowledge. Experiments then clarify the extent
to which subjects will act in accordance with focal model predictions when they are placed in decision-making environments
that are similar to the ones described in the models.
and Ordeshook (
1990) focus on a
spatial voting model in which two candidates compete for votes by taking policy positions on a unidimensional policy space.
Voters have spatial preferences, which is to say that they have an
ideal point that represents the policy outcome they most prefer. A voter in these models obtains higher utility when the candidate
whose policy preference is closest to his or her ideal point is elected.
If the game were one of complete information, then the outcome would be that both candidates adopt the median voter's ideal
point as their policy preference and the median voter's ideal point becomes the policy outcome
1948). The focal research question for McKelvey and Ordeshook (
1990) is how such outcomes change when voters know less. To address these questions, they develop a model with informed and uninformed
voters. Informed voters know the policy positions of two candidates. Uninformed voters do not, but they can observe poll results
or interest group endorsements. McKelvey and Ordeshook examine when uninformed voters can use the polls and endorsements to
cast the same votes they would have cast if completely informed.
In the model's equilibrium, voters make inferences about candidate locations by using poll results to learn how informed voters
are voting. Uninformed voters come to correctly infer the candidates’ positions from insights such as “if that many voters
are voting for the [rightist candidate], he can't be too liberal.” McKelvey and Ordeshook (
1990) prove that the greater the percentage of informed voters represented in such polls, the more quickly uninformed voters come
to the correct conclusion about which candidate is closest to their interests.
McKelvey and Ordeshook (
1990) evaluate key aspects of their theoretical work experimentally. As
Palfrey (
2007a, bracketed caveat inserted by authors) reports,
Perhaps the most striking experiment…used a single policy dimension, but candidates had no information about voters and only
a few of the voters in the experiments knew where the candidates located. The key information transmission devices explored
were polls and interest group endorsements. In a theoretical model of information aggregation, adapted from the rational expectations
theory of markets, they proved that this information alone [along with the assumption that voters know approximately where
they stand relative to the rest of the electorate on a left-right scale] is sufficient to reveal enough to voters that even
uninformed voters behave optimally – i.e., as if they were fully informed. (923)
Of course, uninformed voters in the McKelvey-Ordeshook (1990) model do not cast informed votes in all circumstances. The caveat
inserted into the Palfrey quote highlight key assumptions that contribute to the stated result. However, it is important to
remember that the conventional wisdom at the time was that uninformed voters could seldom, if ever, cast competent votes –
where competence refers to whether a voter casts the same vote that he or she would have cast if he or she possessed full
information about all matters in the model that are pertinent to his or her choice (e.g., candidate policy positions). The
breadth of conditions under which McKelvey and Ordeshook proved that 1) uninformed voters vote competently, and 2) election
outcomes are identical to what they would have been if all voters were informed prompted a reconsideration of the conditions
under which limited information made voters incompetent.
and McCubbins (
1998) pursue these conditions further. They examine multiple ways in which voters can be uninformed and incorporate focal insights
from the psychological study of persuasion. By using formal models and experiments, they could clarify how conditional relationships
among psychological, institutional, and other factors affect competence and persuasion in ways that the
dominant approach to studying voter competence – conventional survey-based analyses – had not.
The starting point for Lupia and McCubbins (
1998) is that citizens must make decisions about things that they cannot experience directly. For voters, the task is to choose
candidates whose future actions in office cannot be experienced in advance of the election. Relying on others for information
in such circumstances can be an efficient way to acquire knowledge. However, many people who provide political information
(e.g., campaign organizations) do so out of self-interest, and some may have an incentive to mislead. For voters who rely
on others for information, competence depends on whom they choose to believe. If they believe people who provide accurate
information and ignore people who do otherwise, then they are more likely to be competent.
A key move in the development of the Lupia-McCubbins (
1998) model is to follow the arguments of empirical scholars of voting behavior and public opinion who linked this question to
the social psychological study of persuasion.
O’Keefe (
defines persuasion as “a successful intentional effort at influencing another's mental state through communication in a circumstance
in which the persuadee has some measure of freedom” (17). Seen in this way, the outcomes of many political interactions hinge
on who can persuade whom. Social psychologists have generated important data on the successes and failures of persuasive attempts
(see, e.g., McGuire
Petty and Cacioppo
Although psychological studies distinguish factors that can be antecedents of persuasion from factors that cannot, they are
typically formulated in a way that limits their applicability to questions of voting behavior. The typical social psychological
study of persuasion is a laboratory experiment that examines how a single variation in a single factor corresponds to a single
attribute of persuasiveness. Such studies are designed to answer questions about the conditions under which some attributes
will be more important than others in affecting the persuasive power of a particular presentation. In a formal model, it is
possible to conduct an analysis of the conditions under which a range of factors has differential and conditional effects
on whether persuasion occurs. Lupia and McCubbins (
1998) do just that, examining the logical consequences of mixing a range of assumptions about beliefs and incentives to generate
precise conclusions about the conditions under which 1) one person can persuade another, and 2) persuasive attempts make voters
competent – that is, help them choose as they would if fully informed.
Their models and experiments also show that any attribute causes persuasion only if it informs a receiver's perceptions of
a speaker's knowledge or interests. Otherwise, the attribute cannot (and experimentally does not) affect persuasion, even
if it actually affects the speaker's choice of words. Experiments on this topic clarified how environmental, contextual, and
institutional variables (e.g., those that make certain kinds of statements costly for a speaker to utter) make learning from
others easier in some cases and difficult in others.
These and other subsequent experiments demonstrate that the knowledge threshold for voting competently is lower than the normative
and survey-based literatures at the time had conjectured (see Boudreau and Lupia's chapter in this volume for more examples
of such experiments). Instead of being required to have detailed information about the utility consequences of all electoral
alternatives, it can be sufficient for the voter to know enough to make good choices about whom to believe. So, when information
about endorsers is easier to acquire than information about policies, voters who appear to be uninformed can cast the same
votes that they would have cast if they had known more. In sum, there appears to be logic to how uninformed voters use information.
Formal models have provided a basis for discovering it, and experimentation offers one important way for testing it.
Jury Decision Making
Experiments have also clarified implications of a visible game-theoretic claim about jury decision making. Many courts require
unanimous vote of a jury in order to convict a defendant. A common rationale for this requirement is that unanimity minimizes
the probability of convicting the innocent.
and Pesendorfer (
1998) identify an equilibrium in which unanimity produces more false convictions than was previously believed. The logic underlying
their result is as follows. Suppose that all jurors are motivated to reach the correct verdict. Suppose further that it is
common knowledge that every juror receives a signal about a defendant's status (i.e., courtroom testimony and/or jury room
deliberation) that is true with a known probability.
In this case, a juror is either not
pivotal (i.e., his or her vote cannot affect the outcome) or is pivotal (i.e., his or her vote does affect the outcome). Under
unanimity, if at least one other juror is voting to acquit, then a juror is not pivotal, and the defendant will be found not
guilty regardless of how this juror decides. Likewise, a juror is pivotal under unanimity rule only if every other juror is
voting to convict. Hence, a juror can infer that either his or her vote makes no difference to the outcome or that all other
jurors are voting to convict. Feddersen and Pesendorfer (
1998) examine how such reasoning affects the jurors’ assessments of the defendant's guilt. They identify conditions in which the
weight of each juror's conjecture about what other jurors are doing leads every juror to vote to convict – even if every single
juror, acting solely on the basis of the signal he or she received, would have voted innocent. False convictions come from
such calculations and are further fueled by jury size (as
n increases, so does the informational power of the conjecture that “if I am pivotal, then it must be the case that every other
juror is voting to convict.”) Feddersen and Pesendorfer use these results to call into question claims about unanimity's convictions
of the innocent.
A number of scholars raised questions about whether making more realistic assumptions about jurors could yield different results.
Some scholars pursued the question experimentally.
Guernaschelli, McKelvey, and Palfrey (
2000) examine student juries of different sizes (
n = 3 and
n = 6) that were otherwise in the type of decision environment described by Feddersen and Pesendorfer (
1998). Guernaschelli et al. report that where “Feddersen and Pesendorfer (
1998) imply that large unanimous juries will convict innocent defendants with fairly high probability…this did not happen in our
experiment” (416). In fact, and contrary to Feddersen and Pesendorfer's claims, this occurred less frequently as jury size
Experimental results such as these imply that the frequency at which unanimity rule convicts the innocent requires additional
knowledge of how jurors think. These experiments helped motivate subsequent modeling that further clarified when strategic
voting of the kind identified by Feddersen and Pesendorfer (
1998) causes unanimity requirements to produce false convictions. With a model whose assumptions are built from empirical studies
of juries by Pennington and Hastie (1990, 1993) and psychological experiments on need for cognition by
Cacioppo and Petty (
Lupia, Levine, and Zharinova (
2010) prove that it is not strategic voting per se that generates Feddersen and Pesendorfer's (1998) high rate of false convictions.
Instead, driving the increase in false convictions is the assumption that all jurors conjecture that all other jurors are
thinking in the same manner as they are. Lupia et al. (
2010) show that strategic voting under different, and more empirically common, beliefs can cause far fewer false convictions.
Collectively, experiments and subsequent models show that using more realistic assumptions about jurors generates equilibria
with many fewer false convictions.
More generally, we believe that the pairing of formal models and experiments can be valuable in improving political scientists’
efforts to pursue psychological explanations of behavior. Models can help scholars determine whether claims being made about
citizen psychology must be true given a set of clearly stated assumptions, or whether the claim is possibly true given those
foundations. These types of questions are now being asked with increasing directness
(e.g., Lupia and Menning
2009) and are serving as the
foundations for several exciting new research agendas, such as Dickson's chapter in this volume
Contributions to Other Fields
Political scientists have also used combinations of game theory and experiments to make contributions whose relevance extends
well beyond political science. Eckel and Wilson's discussion of trust (see their chapter in this volume) and Coleman and Ostrom's discussion of collective action (see their chapter in this
volume) provide prominent examples. Other such examples are experiments by McKelvey and Palfrey (1992, 1995, 1998). Their experimental and theoretical efforts provide a focal moment in the emergence of behavioral
Behavioral economics is a movement that seeks to derive economically relevant conclusions from premises with increased psychological
realism. The evolution and gradual acceptance in economics of a behavioral approach was motivated by an important set of experiments.
These experiments revealed systematic divergence between the predictions of several well-known game-theoretic models and the
behavior of laboratory subjects in arguably similar decision contexts.
One such model is called the centipede game. In a centipede game, two players decide how to divide an object of value (say, $10).
One player can take a very unequal share of the object for him- or herself (say, “I get $7 and you get $3”), or the player
can pass on that opportunity. If he or she takes the larger share, the game ends and players are paid accordingly. If he or
she passes, the object doubles in value and the other player can take the larger share (say, “I get $14 and you get $6”).
An important part of the game is that payoffs are arranged so that a player gets slightly more from taking in the current
round ($7) than he or she will if the other player takes in the next round ($6). The game continues for as long as players
pass. In every subsequent round, the object continues to double in value after each pass and players alternate in their ability
to take.
It is easy to imagine that both players could earn very high payoffs by passing for a while to let the object grow in value.
The game, however, has a unique Nash equilibrium
1981), and it does not involve such behavior. Instead, it predicts that players will take at the first opportunity. A number of
scholars raised questions about the applicability of this prediction. Two political scientists, McKelvey and Palfrey (
1992), ran experiments to address these questions. As Palfrey (
2007b) describes their experimental efforts,
[W]e designed and conducted an experiment, not to test any particular theory (as both of us had been accustomed to doing),
but simply to find out what would happen. However, after looking at the data, there was a problem. Everything happened! Some
players passed all the time, some grabbed the big pile at their first opportunity, and others seemed to be unpredictable,
almost random. But there were clear patterns in the average behavior, the main pattern being that the probability of taking
increased as the piles grew. (426)
Their efforts to explain such behavior evolved into the development of a new
equilibrium concept, quantal response equilibrium (QRE). QRE is a variant of the Nash equilibrium concept that allows modelers
to account for a much wider set of assumptions about what players believe about one another than did traditional concepts.
As applied to the centipede game, the concept allowed players to adjust their strategies to varying beliefs that the other
players would (or would not) play the strategies named in the game's unique Nash equilibrium. This concept allowed McKelvey
and Palfrey (
1998) to explain patterns of play in the centipede game far more effectively than other approaches.
Both McKelvey and Palfrey's (1992, 1995, 1998) experimental documentation of the problems with the applicability of the centipede
game's Nash equilibrium and their use of these results to develop an alternate equilibrium concept now serve as models for
why a more behavioral approach to economic topics is needed and how more
realistic psychological content can begin to be
3. Conclusion
An important attribute of formal models is that they allow scholars to analyze, with precision and transparency, complex conditional
relationships among multiple factors. As such, scholars can use formal models to evaluate the conditions under which various
kinds of causal relationships are logically consistent with clearly stated assumptions about actors and institutions. The distinguishing characteristic of formal models is their ability to facilitate constructive and precise conversations
about “what is related to what” in domains of political choice.
In some cases, however, scholars raise reasonable questions about whether the logic of a particular formal model is relevant
to a particular set of real-world circumstances. At such moments, empirical demonstrations can be valuable. They can demonstrate
that the model does in fact explain relevant behaviors well, or they can show that the model requires serious revision.
In many cases, however, nature does not provide the kinds of data scholars would need to answer such questions. Moreover,
if the claims in question pertain to how certain actors would react under a wide range of currently hypothetical circumstances,
or if the controversy pertains to whether a particular claim is true given a different set of underlying counterfactuals,
then there may be no observational approach that will provide sufficient data. In such cases, experiments can help us evaluate
the relevance and applicability of focal model attributes to important political phenomena.
This chapter describes a few instances in which experiments played an important role in the development and evaluation of
game-theoretic political science. Several chapters in this volume review other interesting examples. Morton and Williams’
chapter in this volume, for example, details how clever experimental agendas clarify how institutional rules affect electoral
behavior and outcomes. Coleman and Ostrom's chapter in this volume reviews how experiments have helped scholars from multiple
disciplines better understand the prerequisites for effective collective action.
Diermeier's chapter in this volume highlights experimental evaluations of the Baron-Ferejohn model of coalition bargaining. He describes how his early experiments consistently demonstrate that the person
with the ability to propose coalition agreements to other actors consistently takes less power than the model predicts. Drawing
from psychology, he argues that other factors relevant to sustained human interaction could induce a bargainer to offer potential
partners more than the absolute minimum amounts that they would accept. His later experiments incorporate these factors and
show promise as a foundation of more effective explanations of coalition behavior.
Wilson and Eckel's chapter in this volume shows how experiments have clarified many questions about the relevance and applicability
of formal models of trust. They begin by describing the Nash equilibrium of the “investment game.” It is a game where players can benefit by trusting one another to contribute some of their resources to
a common pool. But the unique Nash equilibrium of this particular game is that players will not trust one another enough to
realize these gains. They then review a series of experiments that examine many psychological and biological factors relevant
to trust in a range of cultural and institutional settings around the world. Through these efforts, theories and experimental
designs build off one another, and what results is clarification about when we can expect trust in a set of critical social
Collectively, these chapters reveal both the challenges inherent in using formal models and experiments to provide substantive
insight into political science and the ways in which experiments help formal modelers and scholars with more substantive interests
communicate more effectively. Given the increasing number of political scientists who are interested in experiments, we believe
that the examples described in this chapter are merely
the tip of the iceberg relative to the relationship among formal models, experiments, and political science. For as long as
scholars who are knowledgeable about political contexts want models to be closer to facts or built from premises with more
psychological or sociological realism, there will be demand for bridges between the logic of the models and the world in which
we live. Experiments are uniquely positioned to serve as the foundations of those bridges.
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