Two treasure troves of archival material on Monaco and the Grimaldis exist. Foremost: Les Archives du Palais Princier, Monaco, where all the papers, letters, documents, photographs and studies of the Princes de Monaco and their reigns are reposited. The Monégasque Collection in the Manchester Central Reference Library contains thirty-nine volumes and original documents and letters of various branches of the Grimaldi family and studies in their history and was given to the library in the early part of the nineteenth century by Alfred Beaufort Grimaldi.
Indispensable to any author of Monégasque history are the Annales Monégasques, Numbers 1–12. Another great source is found in the Menton and Monte Carlo newspaper published weekly in English from the end of the nineteenth century until the advent of World War II (after 1934 published as Riviera News).
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———. Scrapbooks of cuttings, engravings, photographs, portraits relating to the Grimaldi family and Monaco, 4 vols. In Monégasque Collection.
———. Collection of original documents, dispatches, letters by Princes of Monaco, Cardinals Grimaldi, Marquesses Grimaldi, etc., 1498–1907. In Monégasque Collection.
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———. Winifred Holtby: A Concise and Selected Bibliography. London: A. Brown & Sons, 1955.
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