
So many people supported me as I wrote this story. I would especially like to thank:

The team at Lanternfish Press. Christine Neulieb’s thoughtful critiques helped me make this book stronger.

The South Shore Scribes, who listened to this story unfold in four-stanza segments across nearly two years and made me believe the story could find an audience. Special thanks are due Christine Lajewski, who encouraged me to write my story in this form and has supported me every step of the way.

Chris Degni, who, in addition to his excellent feedback, counted all my syllables. He is a really useful engine.

Chris Johnson, who hosted socially distant get-togethers in his backyard.

Heather J. Randolph, who pointed out plot inconsistencies and helped keep me sane.

Vesna Gronosky, who lent me her expertise with German grammar and Serbian names.

Doug Beeferman, who helped me out when something went wrong with my computer and RhymeZone stopped working.

And finally my husband, Hunter Keeton. He read every stanza as I wrote it, told me I had to finish the book, and looked after the kids while I did.