10 September 1943
To the people of Paris,
Dear reader, if you are reading this and are not a collabo idiot, please put this under the door of someone who is. Thank you.
Hello, Collabo Idiot! I am a Jewish girl forbidden now by my parents to leave our home, but still you cannot silence my voice. I hear there are wanted posters plastered everywhere, seeking the culprit who threw a grenade into the headquarters of your collabo friend Jacques Doriot’s PPF party and wounded fifteen people. They have already shot many innocents in reprisal and say they will randomly kill more each day until the culprit is apprehended. Does that fill you with joy? I also hear there is V for-victory graffiti everywhere, even on the wanted posters. Here is one more for good measure!
Hear me, Collabo Idiot. Your Boche masters have lost their ally Italy. The Allied invasion of Europe will come. You will not win. Yes, you denounce Jews in exchange for extra rations. Yes, you eat while we starve. Yes, you laugh in the sun while we cower in the shadows. But not forever. The righteous shall triumph. Long live France!