Mitch rang Charlotte’s phone; she answered on the third ring.
“Mitchell Parker, what happened to you? One minute I’m waiting for my stir-fry, the next I’m on serving duty!”
Mitch laughed
“Sorry, emergency work call. Where are you? I can hardly hear you.”
“At the hotel’s new wine bar. Come down, I’m with Sally.”
“Thanks, but I’ve sprained my ankle so I’m going to hobble home.”
“Don’t be such a wet blanket. Hobble on down. You’ll feel better after a red wine or three.”
“I would, but I’m covered in dirt.”
“So dust off and stop making excuses. Hang on, Sally wants a word.”
Mitch waited, listening to the girls pass the phone.
“Mitch some knight in shining armor you are. Where are you? We’re getting hit on every minute. We need a man at the table.”
“I bet you are, Sal. Well, don’t complain if I don’t look up to standard.”
He swung the Audi around to head to the hotel. He found a park and brushed down as he made his way into the bar. Mitch spotted them in the corner. He slipped into the booth beside Charlotte and noticed they both checked him out.
“You look alright,” Sally told him, “except for … is that grass? How do you get grass stains on a business shirt?”
“I fell on the grass!” Mitch answered.
Charlotte laughed.
“I hate these trendy bars,” Mitch shuffled in his seat.
“Listen Happy, you hate these trendy bars because you’re scared someone will think you’re trendy,” Charlotte waved to a waiter.
“I’m too old to be trendy.”
Mitch ordered more wine and tapas.
“I’m starving, how was my stir-fry?” He sat back and observed the girls.
“What did you do to your ankle?” Sally stared at the strapping.
“For a person with a desk job, you’ve never seen so many injuries in your life,” Charlotte interrupted. “Check out the scar above his ear. Not to mention …”
“You’re right, let’s not mention it,” Mitch cut her off as the waiter passed him the opened bottle of wine. He filled their glasses.
“So, Mitch, anyone on the scene this week?” Sally took the glass of red.
“Well, there is a new girl in the records management division …”
“Woo-hoo, all the reference material you can handle,” she nudged him.
“Listen Blondie, don’t give me a hard time.” Mitch smiled at her. “I’m sore, hungry and reading is not what I had in mind for records girl.”
Sally laughed. “Look, why don’t you and Charlie go out and be done with it?”
“Who, us two?” Mitch choked on his red wine.
“Why not? You can obviously live together, so economize and share a room.”
Charlotte crinkled her nose.
“No offence, Mitch, but it would be like dating my brother … I love my brother, but he’s my brother. Same theory applies to you,” she patted his hand.
He looked at Charlotte, “I’d go out with you.”
She stopped, gazed at him, and then laughed.
“Nice try. You almost got me then. But we both know if I said I’d go out with you, Mitchell Parker, you would organize a stack of assignments and conveniently never be home.”
“Not true. Anyway,” he turned to Sally, “my rival’s still on the scene.”
“Are you serious?” Sally asked. “When …?”
“Good one, tittle-tat! I was going to mention it.”
“When were you going to mention it? We’ve been here twenty minutes!”
“Look, it’s over with Lachlan; we’re just tying up loose ends.”
“Loose ends? You’re addicted to good sex,” Sally exclaimed.
Mitch looked away.
“If you want my advice,” she continued, “I think you should burn him for good. He’s a lovely guy, but it’s a flogged horse. What do you think, Mitch?”
“Nothing to do with me,” he shrugged. “Although, one of the girls in the office cooks a lot when she breaks up with a guy … that could work out well if you were inclined.”
“Or clean … I’ve heard of people who clean a lot when heartbroken,” Sally added. Mitch nodded.
“Ha, nice try you two but don’t count on it.” Charlotte tossed back her wine.

Mitch carried Charlotte’s belongings into her room.
“Stay and talk a while,” she sat on the bed. “Please!”
“Charlie, you’re pissed. You’ll be asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.”
“Please, just for a while.”
Mitch sat next to her as she curled up on the bed.
“Talk to me …” she yawned.
“I’m all talked out,” he covered her with the quilt.
“I’m cold. Can’t you lie here for a while?”
“I’ll fall asleep and we’ll scare each other in the morning. You’ll think I took advantage of you. Might be safer to put your electric blanket on.”
“No.” She put her pillow in his lap and wrapped her arms around his waist. “You can set the record straight tomorrow. Besides, I’m used to your scary appearance.”
Mitch kicked off his shoes and propped himself up in sitting position behind her. He stroked her hair, listening to her steady breathing.
He woke with a start twenty minutes later.
Shit! He swore, realizing where he was. He touched her hair again.
No! Got to go. I need that nightshift at the lab to start ASAP.