
I am indebted to so many kind, wise, and patient folk who helped in the writing of this book, whether through advice, information, or just as long-suffering ears to my woes. Ian Gibbs for his constant support and help even at times when his patience must be stretched to the limits. Penny Billington for her wit, sharp intellect, and the wonderful long telephone calls. Barrie Jenks who constantly surprises me with his knowledge, sagacity, and inspiration; you are a ray of Awen. Christopher Hickman, who rushes to my aid whenever I am in fear of a melodramatic breakdown: you are a joy and a font of advice and wisdom; I praise the gods for your friendship. All the other members of the Anglesey Druid Order, you are all rather fabulous. Jonathan Holland and Michael Howell, who endured hours of my ramblings without (seemingly) losing the plot and were of immense help with the properties of herbs. To all the Pagans out there who devote themselves and their practice in honor of the spirit of Celtica. Last but by no means least, to my ever-patient editorial team at Llewellyn Worldwide, Elysia Gallo and Rebecca Zins, thank you.