~ Chapter Eight ~




Kamila closed her eyes and dreamed about being with him, not just for a few days on a cruise ship but permanently – visiting his home, meeting his family and being his woman. But he’d made it clear that he wasn’t interested in a relationship. She couldn’t tell that by the way he made love to her – so tender, passionate and personal. And he was a family man. She always wanted a family. She wanted a family with Tony, but he was busy planning a family with another woman.

With his arms around her petite frame, Donovan thought about how good this felt. This is what he needed. But fear held him back from trying to pursue a relationship with Kamila. And though he didn’t want to, though he had one of the best love-making experiences of his life and though he enjoyed every crazy moment he spent with Kamila on this cruise, he made the decision then and there that he would stay true to his word. He wouldn’t see her again after the cruise was over and that was that.