~ Chapter Nine~
One month later, Kamila found herself back into her regular routine of working. The cruise seemed like a distant memory, but the time she spent with Donovan didn’t. She’d gotten married to the man, still wore the ring he’d bought for her and could still feel his hands on her body. She hadn’t heard from him, not that she expected to. He didn’t bother giving her any contact information, so she didn’t give him any of her contact information. She did, however, find him on Facebook, staring at his profile picture, one showcasing that perfect smile she loved so much. She thought about sending him a private message but refused. A man knew when he wanted a woman. If he really wanted her, he would’ve found a way to contact her somehow.
* * *
Sitting at a bar after work, Kamila braced herself for Lori’s arrival. She was caressing a glass of Moscato, twirling the ring on her finger – the ring Donovan had given her. Why on earth was she still wearing it?
She fantasized about the idea of him going above and beyond to track her down and proclaim his love – things she’d seen on Lifetime movies. But soon, she realized that Donovan was true to his word. He didn’t want a relationship. He told her that from jump. Still, she believed she could change him and their spur-of-the-moment cruise ship marriage would work out in the end. Wishful thinking...
“Hey, girl, “Lori said, squeezing Kamila from behind.
“Hey,” Kamila said dryly. “’Bout time you got here.”
“I was stuck in traffic.” Lori sat on the bar stool next to her. “So what’s up? I haven’t had a chance to talk to you since the cruise. What’s been going on gal?”
“Nothing. Just working. Other than that, nothing’s changed.”
“What’s that you’re drinking?”
“Is it good?”
“Yeah. It’s straight.”
“Okay. I’ma order a glass.” Lori waved the bartender her way, ordered a glass of Moscato and took a sip. “Mmm. This is delicious.”
“I told you it was.” Kamila took a sip. “So how’s life in the real estate world?” she asked Lori. Lori had a degree in business administration and once deciding she wanted to be in real estate after graduating, she got her realtor’s license and opened up her own agency.
“Girl, you know how it’s. All they’re talking about on news networks is how the housing market is picking back up now. There’s actually a shortage of homes.”
“Yeah, I bet.” Kamila looked up at the flat screen TV.
“Okay, you seem like you’re in a funky mood. What’s wrong?”
Kamila sighed, then took a sip of wine. “It’s nothing.”
“And we’ve been friends for how long? Go on...tell me.”
She sighed again. “It’s um...well, you remember that guy from the cruise?”
“Oh,” she said. “Donovan, was it?”
“Yeah, that’s him.”
“What about him?”
“Well, I kinda, sorta married him.”
“You did what!” Lori said, forgetting she was in public for a moment.
“Lori, calm down girl, before somebody call the police on you.”
“You got me hearing things up in here ‘cause I know you did not just say you married him.”
“Actually, I did.”
“Okay, before you go ballistic, let me explain. We, Donovan and I, were talking about our lives and sounding so miserable that I told him we should do something spontaneous...something wild and crazy to forever mark the cruise in our memories. So I convinced him to marry me.”
“Hold up, hold up...hold...up, stop the presses. First off, if you want to do something spontaneous, go skinny dipping, do some karaoke...don’t get married for goodness sakes.”
“Well, I’m telling you...we got married, but agreed it wasn’t real.”
“Okay, now I’m all confused. Did you marry him or not?”
“We went through the motions. He gave me this ring,” Kamila said, holding up her left hand for Lori to see.
“Wait...and you actually signed documents?”
“On the cruise ship?”
“And did you consummate this marriage?”
“Yes. We did. Twice.”
“I can’t believe what I’m hearing right now,” Lori said, shaking her head.
“I know it was stupid, Lori.”
“What on earth were you thinking, Kamila?”
“That’s the thing...I wasn’t thinking...I was doing what you said...getting Tony out of my system and I got caught up in the moment and Donovan was a distraction from it all.”
“So now what? You’re seeing him?”
“No...haven’t seen or heard from him since the cruise.”
“And you’re good with that?”
Kamila frowned. “Um...I was at first. He told me he wasn’t interested in a relationship.”
“Before of after he slept with you?”
“Oh,” Lori said, surprised that he was forthcoming. “So if you knew that, why did you—”
“Because it wasn’t supposed to mean anything, but—”
“You caught feelings.”
“He’s a good man...”
“How good of a man can he be if he married you, slept with you then split?”
“Like I said, he didn’t hide the fact that he didn’t want any attachments...he told me that upfront. I just thought he would change his mind...but we spent the last night on the cruise together and when I woke up, he was gone.” Kamila took a sip of wine. “In hindsight, I see how stupid the whole thing was now. I should have never done it.”
“But you did, and now you have feelings for him...”
“Yeah, as much as I hate to admit it.” Kamila blew a frustrated breath. “Why do I keep ending up with the wrong man?”
“Because you don’t listen to me. I knew that man was trouble.”
“But he’s not—”
“And, I tried to tell you that Tony wasn’t worth five cents either.”
Kamila grunted. “Ugh. I know, Lori.”
“Now I will say this. Judging from the one-time you introduced me to Donovan, he seemed decent enough. He sure was fine and those muscles...”
Kamila shot Lori a half smile. She remembered those muscles well, how they confined and restricted her, squeezed her tight and caressed her passionately. She got chills thinking about the things he’d done to her body that night.
“You should’ve ran for the hills when he told you he wasn’t interested in a relationship,” Lori said.
“Well, I wasn’t looking for a relationship either, but—”
“But then Donovan made love to you, or what do they say nowadays – he put it down.”
“No...well, yes, but I thought we connected.”
“Oh, you connected all right.” Lori giggled.
“No, not like that. I mean, we had a lot in common, but anyway, it is what it is. I’m good. Let’s just order some food.”
Kamila rolled her eyes. “What Lori?”
“If you’re so, good, why do you look like you’re about to cry?”
Kamila dismissed herself to the bathroom, took some tissue and dabbed her eyes.
Lori came into the bathroom shortly afterwards, trying to figure out which stall she was in. “Kamila?”
“I’ll be out in a minute,” Kamila said, sniffling. She blew her nose and stepped out.
“You deserve more than this,” Lori said, embracing her friend. “And you’re a smart, beautiful, amazing woman. You’ll find a man who’s worth your time one day. We both will. Okay?”
“I know. I’ll be okay.”
“Aw-right. Now stop crying and let’s enjoy ourselves.”
The women returned to the bar together, finished their drinks and ordered dinner.