Titon Son of Small Gryn, Husband to Elise

Titon Son of Titon

Decker Son of Titon

Elise, Wife to Titon son of Small Gryn

Keethro Son of Leif, Husband to Kilandra

Kilandra, Wife to Keethro

Red, Daughter of Keethro and Kilandra

Tallos, Husband to Leona

Leona, Wife to Tallos

Cassen, Dutchess of Eastport

Lyell of House Redrivers, Father to Alther

Alther of House Redrivers, Husband to Crella

Crella of House Eldaren, Wife to Alther

Ethel, Daughter of Crella

Derudin the Wise, Advisor to Lyell

Annora of the Spicelands