
Bringing swathes of colour to woods and gardens, these cheerful spring flowers are characterized by a cup-like corona, surrounded by petals and sepals. Ever popular daffodils form part of the narcissus family.

To create this flower…

1. For a sideways facing narcissus, pipe two pulled petals in white to make a V-shape using a 104 nozzle.

2. Using yellow buttercream and the nozzle, pipe two folded petals by holding the piping bag flat to the surface, nozzle facing left, squeeze the piping bag as you pull away and fold back to the centre. Pipe dark yellow spikes using a piping bag with a small hole at the tip.

3. Pipe three more pulled petals that start from the base of the cup and swoop away, slightly curving each one back at the tip.

4. For a narcissus that faces upwards, pipe a guide circle and then six pulled petals that start in the centre.

5. Using yellow buttercream with the nozzle, pipe a rigid ruffle petal in the centre to form the cup.

6. Pipe the centre spikes using dark yellow buttercream in a piping bag with a small hole at the tip.