Psalm 74

Prayer for Israel

A Maskil of Asaph. j

1   Why have you rejected us forever, God?

Why does your anger burn

against the sheep of your pasture? k

2   Remember your congregation,

which you purchased long ago

and redeemed as the tribe for your own possession. l

Remember Mount Zion where you dwell. m

3   Make your way K to the perpetual ruins,

to all that the enemy has destroyed in the sanctuary. n

4   Your adversaries roared in the meeting place

where you met with us. L

They set up their emblems as signs. o

5   It was like men in a thicket of trees,

wielding axes, p

6   then smashing all the carvings

with hatchets and picks. q

7   They set your sanctuary on fire;

they utterly M desecrated

the dwelling place of your name. r

8   They said in their hearts,

“Let us oppress them relentlessly.”

They burned every place throughout the land

where God met with us. N,s

9   There are no signs for us to see.

There is no longer a prophet.

And none of us knows how long this will last. t

10   God, how long will the enemy mock?

Will the foe insult your name forever? u

11   Why do you hold back your hand?

Stretch out O your right hand and destroy them! v

12   God my King is from ancient times,

performing saving acts on the earth. w

13   You divided the sea with your strength;

you smashed the heads of the sea monsters in the water; x

14   you crushed the heads of Leviathan;

you fed him to the creatures of the desert. y

15   You opened up springs and streams; z

you dried up ever-flowing rivers. a

16   The day is yours, also the night;

you established the moon and the sun. b

17   You set all the boundaries of the earth;

you made summer and winter. c

18   Remember this: the enemy has mocked the LORD,

and a foolish people has insulted your name. d

19   Do not give to beasts the life of your dove; P

do not forget the lives of your poor people forever. e

20   Consider the covenant, f

for the dark places of the land are full of violence. g

21   Do not let the oppressed turn away in shame;

let the poor and needy praise your name. h

22   Rise up, God, champion your cause! i

Remember the insults

that fools bring against you all day long. j

23   Do not forget the clamor of your adversaries,

the tumult of your opponents that goes up constantly. k