Psalm 77

Confidence in a Time of Crisis

For the choir director: according to Jeduthun. Of Asaph. k A psalm.

1   I cry aloud to God,

aloud to God, and he will hear me. l

2   I sought the Lord in my day of trouble.

My hands were continually lifted up

all night long;

I refused to be comforted. m

3   I think of God; I groan;

I meditate; my spirit becomes weak. n    Selah

4   You have kept me from closing my eyes;

I am troubled and cannot speak. o

5   I consider days of old,

years long past. p

6   At night I remember my music;

I meditate in my heart, and my spirit ponders. q

7   “Will the Lord reject forever

and never again show favor? r

8   Has his faithful love ceased forever?

Is his promise at an end for all generations? s

9   Has God forgotten to be gracious?

Has he in anger withheld his compassion? ” t    Selah

10   So I say, “I am grieved

that the right hand of the Most High has changed.” U,u

11   I will remember the LORDS works;

yes, I will remember your ancient wonders. v

12   I will reflect on all you have done

and meditate on your actions. w

13   God, your way is holy.

What god is great like God? x

14   You are the God who works wonders;

you revealed your strength among the peoples. y

15   With power you redeemed your people,

the descendants of Jacob and Joseph. z    Selah

16   The water saw you, God.

The water saw you; it trembled.

Even the depths shook. a

17   The clouds poured down water.

The storm clouds thundered;

your arrows flashed back and forth. b

18   The sound of your thunder was in the whirlwind;

lightning lit up the world. c

The earth shook and quaked. d

19   Your way went through the sea

and your path through the vast water,

but your footprints were unseen. e

20   You led your people like a flock f

by the hand of Moses and Aaron. g