Hosea 2   

1   Call F your brothers: My People

and your sisters: Compassion.

Israel’s Adultery Rebuked

2   Rebuke your mother; rebuke her. v

For she is not my wife and I am not her husband. w

Let her remove the promiscuous look from her face x

and her adultery from between her breasts.

3   Otherwise, I will strip her naked y

and expose her as she was on the day of her birth.

I will make her like a desert z

and like a parched land,

and I will let her die of thirst. a

4   I will have no compassion on her children b

because they are the children of promiscuity.

5   Yes, their mother is promiscuous;

she conceived them and acted shamefully. c

For she thought, “I will follow my lovers, d

the men who give me my food and water,

my wool and flax, my oil and drink.” e

6   Therefore, this is what I will do:

I will block her G way f with thorns; g

I will enclose her with a wall,

so that she cannot find her paths. h

7   She will pursue her lovers but not catch them; i

she will look for them but not find them.

Then she will think,

“I will go back to my former husband, j

for then it was better for me than now.” k

8   She does not recognize l

that it is I who gave her the grain, m

the new wine, and the fresh oil.

I lavished silver and gold on her,

which they used for Baal.

9   Therefore, I will take back my grain in its time n

and my new wine in its season;

I will take away my wool and linen,

which were to cover her nakedness.

10   Now I will expose her shame o

in the sight of her lovers,

and no one will rescue her from my power.

11   I will put an end to all her celebrations: p

her feasts, q New Moons, r and Sabbaths—

all her festivals.

12   I will devastate her vines and fig trees. s

She thinks that these are her wages

that her lovers have given her.

I will turn them into a thicket, t

and the wild animals will eat them. u

13   And I will punish her for the days of the Baals, v

to which she burned incense. w

She put on her rings and her jewelry x

and followed her lovers,

but she forgot me. y

This is the LORDS declaration.

Israel’s Adultery Forgiven

14   Therefore, I am going to persuade her,

lead her to the wilderness, z

and speak tenderly to her. H

15   There I will give her vineyards back to her a

and make the Valley of Achor I,b

into a gateway of hope.

There she will respond as she did

in the days of her youth, c

as in the day she came out of the land of Egypt.

16   In that day—

this is the LORDS declaration—

you will call me, “My husband,” d

and no longer call me, “My Baal.” J

17   For I will remove the names of the Baals

from her mouth;

they will no longer be remembered by their names.

18   On that day I will make a covenant for them

with the wild animals, the birds of the sky,

and the creatures that crawl on the ground. e

I will shatter bow, sword,

and weapons of war in the land K,f

and will enable the people to rest securely. g

19   I will take you to be my wife forever. h

I will take you to be my wife in righteousness,

justice, love, and compassion. i

20   I will take you to be my wife in faithfulness,

and you will know the LORD. j

21   On that day I will respond k

this is the LORDS declaration.

I will respond to the sky,

and it will respond to the earth.

22   The earth will respond to the grain, l

the new wine, and the fresh oil,

and they will respond to Jezreel.

23   I will sow her L in the land for myself, m

and I will have compassion n

on Lo-ruhamah;

I will say to Lo-ammi: o

You are my people, p

and he will say, “You are my God.”