God’s Case against Jacob’s Heirs

Hosea 12   

1Ephraim chases G the wind c

and pursues the east wind. d

He continually multiplies lies and violence.

He makes a covenant with Assyria, e

and olive oil is carried to Egypt. f

2   The LORD also has a dispute with Judah.

He is about to punish Jacob according to his conduct; g

he will repay him based on his actions.

3   In the womb he grasped his brother’s heel, h

and as an adult he wrestled with God. i

4   Jacob struggled with the angel and prevailed;

he wept and sought his favor. j

He found him at Bethel, k

and there he spoke with him. H,l

5   The LORD is the God of Armies;

the LORD is his name. m

6   But you must return to your God. n

Maintain love and justice, o

and always put your hope in God. p

7   A merchant loves to extort q

with dishonest scales in his hands. r

8   But Ephraim thinks,

“How rich I have become; s

I made it all myself.

In all my earnings,

no one can find any iniquity in me t

that I can be punished for! ” I

Judgment on Apostate Israel

9   I have been the LORD your God

ever since J the land of Egypt. u

I will make you live in tents again, v

as in the festival days.

10   I will speak through the prophets w

and grant many visions;

I will give parables through the prophets. x

11   Since Gilead is full of evil, y

they will certainly come to nothing.

They sacrifice bulls in Gilgal; z

even their altars will be like piles of rocks a

on the furrows of a field.

Further Indictment of Jacob’s Heirs

12   Jacob fled to the territory of Aram. b

Israel worked to earn a wife; c

he tended flocks for a wife. d

13   The LORD brought Israel from Egypt by a prophet, e

and Israel was tended by a prophet.

14   Ephraim has provoked bitter anger, f

so his Lord will leave his bloodguilt on him g

and repay him for his contempt. h