Fourth Vision: A Basket of Summer Fruit

Amos 8   

1 The Lord GOD showed me this: a basket of summer fruit. 2 He asked me, “What do you see, Amos? ” s

I replied, “A basket of summer fruit.” G,t

The LORD said to me, “The end has come for my people Israel; u I will no longer spare them. v 3 In that day the temple H songs w will become wailing” x—this is the Lord GOD’s declaration. “Many dead bodies, thrown everywhere! y Silence! ” z

4   Hear this, you who trample on the needy a

and do away with the poor of the land, b

5   asking, “When will the New Moon be over

so we may sell grain, c

and the Sabbath,

so we may market wheat? d

We can reduce the measure

while increasing the price I

and cheat with dishonest scales. e

6   We can buy the poor with silver

and the needy for a pair of sandals f

and even sell the chaff! ”

7 The LORD has sworn g by the Pride of Jacob: J,h

I will never forget all their deeds. i

8   Because of this, won’t the land quake j

and all who dwell in it mourn? k

All of it will rise like the Nile; l

it will surge and then subside

like the Nile in Egypt. m

9   And in that day—

this is the declaration of the Lord GOD

I will make the sun go down at noon; n

I will darken the land in the daytime. o

10   I will turn your feasts into mourning p

and all your songs into lamentation; q

I will cause everyone K to wear sackcloth r

and every head to be shaved. s

I will make that grief

like mourning for an only son t

and its outcome like a bitter day.

11   Look, the days are coming—

this is the declaration of the Lord GOD

when I will send a famine through the land:

not a famine of bread or a thirst for water,

but of hearing the words of the LORD. u

12   People will stagger from sea to sea

and roam from north to east

seeking the word of the LORD, v

but they will not find it.

13   In that day the beautiful young women, w

the young men also, will faint from thirst. x

14   Those who swear by the guilt of Samaria y

and say, “As your god lives, Dan,” z

or, “As the way L,M of Beer-sheba lives” a

they will fall, never to rise again. b